The purpose of this test is to find out how well a person can see, hear, and understand danger signs. This test can be conducted in a classroom or office setting and takes about 30 minutes to complete. It is also used to identify differences between genders. Why is it called the hazard perception test?Ī Hazard Perception Test is a test that helps to find out if a person’s ability to recognize hazards is adequate. This way, you’ll have more options when looking for a new job after taking the HPT and finding out what kind of career path is right for you. If you’re planning on taking the HPT and you don’t know what kind of job it’s for, consider looking at similar jobs on Monster or Glassdoor before taking this test. This is a fast-paced test, so if you have time management issues, you may want to take another route.

You’ll be asked questions about these hazards and their effects on people. The HPT will test your knowledge of the most common hazards at work. The HPT is designed to test your ability to do this, and it’s also important for you as an employee who may need to identify hazards in your workplace. You need to be able to identify the most common hazards in your workplace. Some employers use it to screen new hires before they start their new positions others use it as part of ongoing training for existing employees. The HPT can be used with both job applicants and employees.

Technical – including machinery and equipment.Cultural – including customs and values.Physical – including heights, weights, and vibrations.The test measures how a person responds to each type of threat: The HPT is based on the premise that people react differently to different types of threats. The Hazard Perception Test (HPT) is an assessment that can be conducted by human resources professionals, managers, and HR managers to determine how well a candidate would respond to a variety of workplace hazards. If someone answers “no” to any of these questions, then he or she has not been exposed to this hazard either. If both stages of the HPT are passed, then the next step is for participants to look at photos of everyday objects with potential safety hazards and indicate whether or not they have ever seen these items before. If a person answers “no” to any of these questions, then he or she has not been exposed to this hazard. After that, they are asked to indicate whether they have ever seen this particular hazard before. The first stage of the test requires participants to identify each picture as it appears on the screen. The test consists of pictures of common hazards, such as moving machinery and sharp objects, which are flashed on a screen for approximately five seconds each. The Hazard Perception Test (HPT) is a simple and inexpensive way to determine if a person has been exposed to the hazardous materials commonly found in the workplace. Introduction to the Hazard Perception Test We’ll take an in-depth look at each component, why it is important, and how it can help your business. The Only Hazard Perception Test Guide You’ll Need – A blog that goes over the basics of the Hazard Perception TestĪre you having problems passing the NSW Hazard Perception Test? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about the practice of this test.